Second Hand / Pre Owned New Plastic Model Kits or Miniature Figure collections wanted.
Collection value is based on whether items are boxed or unboxed, new or old, unpainted or painted, unmade or made condition. We will make you an offer on all or part of your items you wish to sell.
Feel free to email me your lists of items with full item names, size, make, and age also photos and any other relevant information.
We purchase any wargames or figure miniature related items or Plastic Model Kits, to help us do this please supply a comprehensive list of numbers, size, make, paint quality, photos are appreciated.
We will pay good cash prices for:
All model kit brands are of interest from Airfix, Revell, Hasegawa, Bandai etc and Wargames role playing miniatures from the likes of Warhammer, Hinchliffe, Phoenix Models, and Citadel Miniatures, Minifigs, Napoleonic, Del Prado, Games Workshop etc.
Please contact us and let us know what you have! And on large collections we will pick up in person.
Figures for Sale